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0700 4 24 24

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Cookie policy

General conditions:

"Broker Ins" Ltd uses cookies on the website - The text below explains how this is done, what cookies are, why they are used, their types and the conditions of their use and management..

What the cookies are and why are they used:

Cookies, or so-called tracking cookies, browser cookies, HTTP cookies, are text files that are stored on your computer, mobile phone, tablet or other device when you visit this or any other site.

A file is a specific packet of data sent by a web server to your internet browser and returned by the browser each time the server is accessed. Cookies are essential to improve your performance on the site and are not dangerous for your internet security (they are not spyware or a virus).

Cookies help us understand your user behavior (how you use the website, which pages you visit most often...). Thanks to them, we can offer you a better service by adapting the website to your preferences and optimizing its operation. The statistical data collected by the cookies do not have access to any personal user information.

3.Types of cookies (cookies):

Cookies can be:

3.1. "first-party cookies" or basic, temporary cookies (their source is the visited website);

3.2. "Third-party cookies" or statistical, marketing cookies (their source is another website).

3.1. They enable website visitors to navigate from one page to another and provide access to features such as creating a profile upon registration and accessing various applications. They are not used to collect information about visitors.

These cookies are session (temporary) i.e. they are kept on the device for the duration of the visit to the website or until the browser is closed, and then they are deleted.

When you first visit our website, we will show you information that the site uses cookies. You will also see a link to the page where the current Cookie Policy is located.

If you accept the cookies through the "I agree" button and continue to use the website, it will save a cookie on your device to register your choice. Thus, your browsing on the website will be accepted as consent to the use of all cookies described in the Policy. The notification will not be displayed on your future visits to the website, but you can remove cookies at any time through your browser settings.

If you do not accept cookies through the "I agree" button, you will use the site without third-party cookies -3.2.

Name of the cookie 
 PHPSESSID, fields_id
 Functional - saves login data and navigation between pages 
 to the and of the session

Info about cookies:

Name of the cookie: PHPSESSID, fields_id


Purpose: Functional - stores login data and navigation between pages

Duration: to the and of the sessio

3.2. This cookies use Google Analytics to generate statistics about site traffic and traffic sources (number of visitors per unit of time, from where visitors access the site and which pages are viewed most often).

Google Analytics is a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. ("Google"). Information about the use of our site is stored on Google servers. It is anonymized to create an overall picture of website usage, does not identify the visitor, nor is it linked to any other personal information.

In the table you will see more information about these cookies:

Name and type of the cookie 
Target and info 

HTTP Cookies
 Google Analytics
 24 months, restarts after each action.

HTTP Cookies
 Google Analytics
 24 hours, restarts after each action.

HTTP Cookies
 Google Analytics
 2 years, restarts after each submission of information to Google Analytics.

HTTP Cookies
 Google Analytics
 30 minutes, restarts after each submission of information to Google Analytics.

HTTP Cookies
 Google Analytics
 Marks the end of the browser session. It is used internally for backward compatibility with older versions of Google Analytics. Not saved.

HTTP Cookies
 Google Analytics
 6 months

HTTP Cookies
 Google Analytics
 2 years, restarts after each submission of information to Google Analytics.

HTTP Cookies
 Google Analytics
 6 months

Information about cookies:

Name of the cookie: _ga

Duration: 24 months, restarts after each measured action.

Name of the cookie: _gid

Duration: 24 hours, restarts after each measured action

Name of the cookie: _utma

Duration: 2 years, restarts after each submission of information to Google Analytics.

Name of the cookie: _utmb

Duration: 30 minutes, restarts after each submission of information to Google Analytics.

Name of the cookie: _utmc

Duration: Marks the end of a browser session. It is used internally for backward compatibility with older versions of Google Analytics. Not saved.

Name of the cookie: _utmt

Duration: 6 months

Name of the cookie: _utmv

Duration: 2 years, restarts after each submission of information to Google Analytics.

Name of the cookie: _utmz

Duration: 6 months

All cookies listed above are:

Type: HTTP Cookies

Source: Google Analytics

Target: Traffic analysis

More Info:

The site also uses marketing cookies, which are type HTTP Cookies:

Name of the Cookie 
 Used by Google DoubleClick to register and report your actions after viewing/clicking an ad in order to measure its effectiveness and to show personalized ads to the visitor.
 12 months
 It is used by DoubleClick to collect information about your interests in order to show ads that are relevant to you.
 6 months
 It carries information about how you use the website and about the advertisements you may have seen before visiting it.
 1 month

Name of the Cookie: IDE

Purpose: Used by Google DoubleClick to register and report your actions after viewing/clicking an ad in order to measure its effectiveness and to display personalized ads to the visitor.

Duration: 12 months

Name of the Cookie: NID

Purpose: Used by DoubleClick to collect information about your interests in order to show you relevant advertisements.

Duration: 6 months

Name of the Cookie: 1P_JAR

Purpose: It carries information about how you use the website and about the advertisements you may have seen before visiting it.

Duration: 6 month

Cookie management:

If you, as a visitor to the site, do not accept cookies - you can disable them from the settings of the browser you use, you can also set most browsers to block them.

Disabling first-party cookies, from the 3.1., may lead to violations in the site's functionality and the inability to use our services.

See for more information about cookies.

Detailed information on the different ways to work with cookies can be found in the application settings of the web browser you are using: Cookie settings in Internet Explorer, Cookie settings in Firefox, Cookie settings in Chrome, Cookie settings in Safari web and iOS.

In its capacity as an administrator, "Broker Ins" Ltd, at its discretion and at any time, may change and supplement this "Policy on the use and setting of cookies". In the event of a change to the Terms, the date of change will be indicated and the change will take effect in relation to You and Your Data after the date of the change or on such other, expressly stated, later date.